I have finished the hubby's sweater and I am some what happy with it. I made it with inexpensive yarn to see how it would go. So now that I have the size issues figured out and I can see that I want to do a pattern and not just stocking stitch- and definitely use a softer green color. I will order the good yarn now and start the vest so it will be ready for the fall. This process worked well for me (doing it first on the cheap) as I usually don't make adult garments. Now that I have the confidence and have seen the pitfalls I feel more confident about producing a wearable garment.
I have been longing to go to Camp Stitches in June, but the cost is so prohibitive (with two children in college) so I have promised myself next year will be my chance to go. My second daughter is graduating from college in two weeks (I am so proud of her!) and we will only have our son left to finish three more years. YEAH!! So, hopefully I can go next year. I really miss not having a knitting group to work with. I keep telling myself to start one for the evenings but never get around to it. My LYS has one but the group that meets at night is for the 30 somethings-really she advertised it that way-20 & 30 somethings only. I guess she figures us oldsters only knit with acrylics and make toilet tissue covers! So I will not even shop at her store. The next nearest is 40 minutes away and I need to check it out and see what groups that store has to join.
I have been reorganizing my knitting area and I am excited about it. I hope to fi
nish today and will post pictures of that. I have nothing to show for new projects. I have two in the thinking stage. A lovely stole I saw a pattern for and I want to start more socks to add to my holiday gift giving stash.

I just bought a new book called Twelve Months of Knitting and it has many great patterns. Hope to get some inspiration there too.
Oliver wants to say hello to everyone! he is very annoyed with me for missing Dogs on Thursday again. You can see how serious he is about this. He has threatened to take over my blog and make it all about him-I told him that it is mostly about him anyway and that without an opposable thumb he might have a problem, He said just wait and see.....hm mm what could he mean by that!??
I love that photo of Oliver. He's such a dashing bloke.
And, I'm all for knitting graffiti! go for it.
I've seen the knitting graffiti before. It's a little crazy, but it would be pretty cool!!
Oliver is just so cute!!
oh..that knitta site is cool! Oliver does look a bit miffed, LOL.
Ella says "woof" to Oliver and is a little peeved at her mom too for not being on the ball and posting dot too! :) Take care!!
OK---I admit I skim-read..I missed the part about the LYS and the 20-30 somethings group. You're serious? I'd like to know which LYS that is...I can't even imagine, in this ecomomy, turning anyone away!
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