hlelo tihs is olievr i tlod mom taht i wuold tkae oevr if she ddint do a dogs on thrusday tihs is my fvavoirt pcitrue i tihnk it sohws how smrat i am dont you agree i wnat to do a bark out to all my dogs on thursady pals and encourage you assert yourself and take charge......oh-oh her comes mom i better trot off now and xiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Oliver has requested that I finish his post. He says that his paws are too big for the keyboard. I think he is too big for his breeches! But that is for another time-
Hope everyone has a happy Dogs on Thursday and rest of the week. Enjoy this beautiful spring we are having. I have been out in the garden fighting the weed enemy and just enjoying all the gorgeous blooms everywhere. Not too much knitting getting done but I will be driving down to DC this weekend to bring home my son from college-so as hubby actually does the driving I will be working on some socks I just started. Next week in my daughter's college graduation and we are so proud of her. The celebration will be exciting with all my family there and some of my husbands. We have a lovely luncheon planned after the ceremonies. I will post some photos of all the fun. Two down and one to finish- I am kinda proud of my husband and I for accomplishing this goal that we set out on over thirty years ago. I am so proud of all 3 of my children and feel especially blessed. Life can be sweet! TTFN-keep knitting
p.s. Oliver is really a sweet puppy-he just craves attention like all of us! I have to admit that I think he is the best!
Grover sends a big bark to Oliver. Such a lovely puppy. Congrats on the grad! Always a huge step for all.
Lucy sends her bark out to Oliver. Don't have her any ideas of taking over the keyboard!
:-) Oliver is so cute. Have a wonderful weekend!
Woof Woof...
Zeus, Lola, Tut & Sophie
When we got Esau, the vet said she was a boy kitty (at 12 weeks). It was only after I took her in for plumbing work that I was informed of her sex. By that time, she knew her name and answered to it. If you've ever had a cat you know that they are hard to train. She's worse. I've always loved the story of Esau and that's why I named her. Biblical accuracy be darned;-)
Ella sends barks and kisses to Oliver! I think it's great that he can type! (hehehe) :)
Madison sends doggie treats Oliver's way. And she is very impressed with his typing abilities. And congrats to your grad daughter. Which daughter is graduating?
Oliver! You handsome devil you...how brave to put yourself front and center on the blog. Oh, wait, you are a Golden and you will do what you must to get the attention you so richly deserve :)
Hey Sis!! great pic!! nice going Ollie!! almost makes me want a dog...no wait, let me think again. Oliver is taken so no more good ones left.
Poor Oliver having to toot his own horn. Sounds like he is doing a good job. I have been trying to find a knitting group at a lys but there are none near enough that I want to drive there after a day at work and then cooking dinner. I guess I don't want one enough. But that was awful rude, only 20-39 yo's! Who do they think has more disposable income to buy those pricey yarns?
Hi, Oliver. This is Mosby. I guess I have an advantage over you at the keyboard because I have smaller paws. Hang in there. Good to hear from you.
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