I just noticed that my blog is appraoching 1000 hits!!!! Wow am I excited about that. I think a contest is in order for that mile marker. Everyone so enjoyed the books last time that I think I will do that again. I have two great books in mind, so if you love knitting books enter my 1000 hits contest. Here are the rules:
I'm so glad to see you're back and going 150 mph. And, is that Oliver's handsome face on that bookcover? Since I won your last contest, please just pass me by on this one. Thanks!
Donna how could I not comment, 1000 posts is a fantastic effort, I've just reached 300 in less than a year. Thanks for your wonderful comment about my blog, my sewing, my grandmother and my village life. The books you have chosen are great, especially the lace one, I just can't get enough of lace knitting but my old dog would love to wander around showing off a new wardrobe I'm sure. Congrats.
1000!!!! Great going!!!! I will leave a blog comment tomorrow!!!
Congratulations on approaching 1000!!!! I've linked you on my blog. That doggie book would be awesome. I have 4 that need new sweaters for winter :o)
Wow, that is awesome! Fun contest!
1000 hits, that's great!
I will have to go look at my numbers.
I will link in tomorrow's post.
Good heavens! You deserve someone to give YOU the gifts! That's a lot of posts. Congrats...and thanks or the chances for us to win
Congrats on 1000 hits! I should check my own hits. I am just trying to get to my 100th post and blog anniversary! I am glad to see you are back and I always love your pictures on your post.
Like everyone else I am so happy to see that you are back in form. Congratulations on your 1,000 hits I wish thousands more. I will link in my next post.
Congrats on 1000 hits! It's fun to watch them add up, isn't it?
I posted a link on my blog today!
Congratulations! I came on over after reading about your contest at Strings & Purls.
yay! you're back!
thank you for the nice comment over at my blog. i'm glad you are back and full steam ahead.
after all, there are many other gloves in the sea. so to speak. =)
Wow, 1000 hits! I am not sure how to see how many hits I have. Must figure that out. Glad to see you back and posting. Now I am confused do I link your contest on my blog or leave a link to my blog. Either way I will do both. I have already posted for today and if you go to my blog you will see that I shouldn't even be here commenting...LOL! So tomorrow's post will have a link to you in it!
Oooh! Congrats! I'll try to remember to link to you tomorrow. I know! I'll email myself...
Sissy and Mugsy also want to lobby for Oliver's bedspace. Of course, my chiropractor, a great dog lover too, would say you're a wise woman!
Oooh! Congrats! I'll try to remember to link to you tomorrow. I know! I'll email myself...
Sissy and Mugsy also want to lobby for Oliver's bedspace. Of course, my chiropractor, a great dog lover too, would say you're a wise woman!
Wow - a 1000 comments - I dont even have 1% of that on mine! LOL
Thanks for the comment you left!! ANd for adding my comment--even tho I said POSTS instead of hits--ack--I'm so dense! I'm linking you to my net post and you will be on my sidebar now--although nobody much reads me, so it'll be mainly just "between us!;-
Great going!
Trudy (ellen)
Very exciting - 1000 hits! Congratulations! I just posted about it on my blog.
i came over from chan's blog and i think that you're over the 1000 hits now! congratulations!
p.s. i'll post on my blog later today? okay?
Whoa! 1000 hits, rock on sister girl!
I'll link to you today in honor of Gracie and Oliver's virtual courtship. I'm sorry he's not been well!
Wow, 1000 hits! I have a contest coming up on my blog for my 1000th post! Congrats on 1000 hits!
Congrats on 1000 hits!!!
I'll post on my blog!
Congrats on 1000 hits!!! I don't have my own blog as yet - I'm a little busy with 3 yr old triplets and my ever-growing knitting addiction combined with my love of reading knitting blogs. It's a wonder my house ever gets clean:-).
Congrats! I'll post a pointer today.
If I win, do I have to buy a dog? :-)
1000 hits is great! And I love the photo of knitting needles at the top of your page.
Happy 1000 hits! Great contest prizes!
Wow!! 1000 hits!! Congrats!!
I've posted about your contest on my blog at http://journeysandreflections.wordpress.com
Happy 1000. I'm one of those people who marvel that anyone can manage to blog - but I love lurking around others knitting blogs!
No need to enter me in the contest (I won a past one...your generosity should be spread around!) I just wanted to stop by and say it's good to see you back...I've missed your posts and I've missed seeing Oliver's beautiful face!
I'm so impressed by your 1000 posts! Congratulations.
Congrats, congrats from someone who doesn't blog but enjoys reading others.
wow, it is a leap year isnt it???
great book options! Big congrats on your post! Going to look through your blog some more!! Liking so far. Also , linked to you! Happy blog posting!
Wow - a Jersey girl who can count to 1000! Congrats from another one who can also count that high but can't handle blogging. So sign me ... :-)
Congrats!! Coe check my blog out - there will be lots of fresh knitting content this week!
Well I'm hit #1026!! Congrats m'dear, quite the mile marker and improving all the time I bet. I've blogged about it on mine. Thanks for offering a contest.
1000 hits is a great achievement. I like all the artwork on your side panel.
I am leaving a link and would welcome a visit.
best Lucette
Congrats! Linked to you.
Wow! That's a lot of hits! Take care:)
You know how I love contests!! Congrats on you 1000 hits!! that's awesome!!
Looks like you've reached it! Now you need a map so you can see where everyone is!
Hello from Japan and congratulations!
Yay, a contest! I'm not sure if I'm supposed to leave a link to my blog or link to you on mine. Hmmm...
Oh well, I hope this counts as an entry!
Congrats to 1000 hits!
All the best for another 1000 more!
Thanks for hosting this contest!
Best wishes for your one thousand hits! (Is that something you check with a stat counter?) (I'm new to this internet lingo stuff!)
Wow - 1000 posts. That's a lot of blogging! Dandy sent me over here to enter your contest - love both of those books!
Way to go!
Those books look great, hope I win one!
Congrats on your 1,000th.
Congrats on hitting 1000!
I love contests :-) Lace style is a really good book.... Congrats on your 1000th!!
Link Posted :-)
Congrats on 1000!!!
Congrats on the 1000th! :)
I camer here via Gnat at Barnknit. I will post on my blog. You have a really nice blog here. Ibookmarked it. I will link the contest to my blog.
1,000 hits seems like so many. Think of it, 1000 people have gazed at your information. Congrats!!
Happy 1000 hits day, whenever that happens. Wouldn't it be cool if it happened on Sadie Hawkins day? hehe
Off to post a link - 54 comments so far, wow!
Good work. I just heard about your blog and the contest. I was too late, but that's OK, I wouldn't have been able to pick between 2 such great prizes! ;o)
Love your dogs!
That's definitely a milestone!
I just posted a link on my blog.
Congratulations on your blogiversary! Very nice books, too!
My blog is http://alohaknitter.blogspot.com
Congratulations on 1000!! I'd love to get there myself one day!
Congrats on hitting the 1000th mark! Great blog you have!
Congrats! I should be so lucky to have 1000 hits! I don't know if I've even hit 100! A counter would be a good idea, wouldn't it?! I'm sure there's some way to find out in Blogger...one more thing to do with my blog!
Congrats, at this time you've made it past 1000. Love your pics here.
Congrats on achieving 1000 hits. It won't be long and you will be having the 10,000 hits contest.
Congrats on 1000 comments. I don't have nearly that many!
Better late than never...I'm posting a link tonite. Congrats on 1000 hits! And it didn't even take steroids to get them! ;-)
What a milestone. I came here from Nancy's.
Congrats on the Blog Hits!! That's amazing. :)
1000 hits! I am in awe! Congratulations and thanks for hosting us a new contest!
Congratulations! I found your blog through another knitting blog, and put your blog on my google reader. My dog is a sheltie, and he'd love for me to knit him something cute. You should see him in his little booties! I'll go and post a link on my blog.
1080 hits already!!! You blew that 1000 mark out of the water!!! Congrats!!
Congrats! This contest will surely cross your blog hits to more.
Congratulations on your 1000 hits! Awesome milestone!
xrystabelle in ravelry
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