After my debacle with the gloves, I have put them aside as many of you suggested (Thanks for all your kind and helpful comments. I couldn't have picked up my sticks again if it wasn't for all of you!) and I decided to make fingerless
mitts with a mitten flap. I have the one mitt done and will be working on adding the flap. I like the way it came out and I went up to a sport weight wool instead of a fingering weight sock yarn. The yarn is from Tess's Yarn and I love her product. It feels like butta! I ran across her booth at the last "Stitches East" convention that was in Atlantic City. ( I hope they come back again. Baltimore is too far!) Her color ways are incredible and she has wonderful patterns too. Check her out.
I stumbled across this tessellating pattern and I love making the little "fish" . It uses up scraps from the stash and I think it would be a great throw for a boys room. Check it out and try one-betcha you can't do just
Finally Oliver would like to thank all his Valentine's Day Buddies out there. He was very happy with his Valentine notes and hope that everyone enjoyed theirs too!

Oh, those mittens look awesome so far! Nice job!
You've been busy!
I like the fingerless mittens. Cute fish.
I thoroughly enjoy making fingerless mitts . . . plus my kids like them for the same reason that I do, you can still "do stuff" without having to take your gloves off!
Love the fishies. It's good to have you back. Oliver looks as bored as Grover and I feel. Spring is coming, but dragging her butt. Oh, and Glenn Miller's In the Mood? I have to tell you, I can't hear it without thinking about the singing chickens. Ruined the song for me, forever:)
Someone, I can't remember who at this moment, made a twin sized blanket from those fishes. It was beautiful. I think it would make a great baby shower gift.
Sorry I've been away for so long! Glad things are going better. The mitt looks lovely! Oliver looks like he's getting a good snooze in. Tucker would prefer another bout of snow to be honest. ;) Me? I'm ready for Spring. Love the fishies.
Oliver looks like an angel...
Glad Oliver enjoyed his cards... looks like someone else sent the same one as us! :)
Oliver!! What handsome boy.
I like your fingerless mitts! Ella says 'woof' to Oliver! :)
Totally cool tessellating fish.
I like the fish- so cute!
Gloves are tricky- I haven't tried any yet, but I can imagine I could get frustrated easily!
Donna, the mits are great. I heard through the grapevine that FH has been cold. Keep warm. Keep knitting those fishys. They are way cute!
Such a sweet pic of oliver! And love the black gloves. The fish remind me of goldfish crackers!
Hi Donna...
I wanted to reply to your comment in my blog, and I apologize that it's taken me so long, I'm usually much more punctual, but I've been busy falling in love, painting, and sewing...*L*
YOu wrote:
I hope you are holding up against this snowy winter you have had. I bet you would even welcome the mud season! You are very clever to be sewing too. I have kind of drifted along with my knitting and now I am setteling down to finishing some projects that have been kicking around for awhile. Just 2 more and i can start a new project (yeah!)
*What's the new project going to be? I've always sewn...I just tend to drift in and out of it, there are babies cropping up all around me so I've been whipping out small simple quilts with baby flannels lately.....I'd like to practice and improve upon applique...I think some small pieced items would be a great way to use up some scraps, of whicH I have a TON!!!
See ya...
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