Oliver hasn't been up to anything unusual lately just his regular puppy stuff. He plays, he eats, he goes for walks, and he goes to sleep. I think I want to come back as a Golden Retriever. First off, they are blond. Now, be honest, blonds do have more fun!! Well, Oliver certainly does. He reminds me of that Seinfeld episode were Elaine is in love with a blond, good looking guy that Jerry describes as a male bimbo-a mimbo! Oliver fits that bill. He is cute, fun and always checking out the babes in the area. He has a girlfriend down the street called Jersey. A pit bull that Ollie just loves and everyone else stays away from. She is actually a sweet girl and we love her too. Anyway, here is a photo of him and his good friend across the street, Ginger. ( Ginger does not like Jersey. He runs away whenever she come out to play.) They look like "Laurel and Hardy" but they have fun together.
On the knitting front I have finished one and a half scarves for extra gifts for my nieces, and need to finish the mate to the one glove I finished. You know, I would love to be home for a month and knit when ever I felt like it. I have been thinking of taking one of those knitting cruises, but I wonder how much fun they are for the person that comes along with you ( a non-knitting husband). It sounds like fun and very relaxing, but not if the other person isn't enjoying it. Has anyone taken one of these cruises? Let me know if you have, I would love to hear about it. I am off to mix up a batch of shortbread cookie dough. The recipe is from Martha Stewart and you roll it into logs and can freeze or refrigerate. I will bake them when my daughter comes home from college this Saturday. After they bake we will dip one side into melted chocolate and let them set. They have chopped cranberries in them. I hope they will be good. Have a great day and keep knittn'.
P.S. I have been meaning to tell you about a blog pals Esty store. Nhknittingmama has beautiful hand dyed yarn and shipping is free!!! Wow isn't that amazing. Check it out here.
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Hey, thanks so much for the mention there!
I love your gloves - they are fantastic! I've been afraid to try them... sigh.
Ginger and Oliver - very cute :) Love the gloves too. I am also in scarf mode - for my kids' teachers. The holidays come up too quickly!
Oliver is so darn handsome! I love your gloves, very nice colors and, whoa! I know what kind of counting and measuring that is involved with that :)
I'll go check out nh knitting mama's etsy store...
Mom! Where are the White Christmas 2nd round quesitons and answers???? hmmmmmmmmmmm. :) Love you lots and lots and looking forward to seeing you and Dad on Sunday.
Oliver and his little friend look so cute together. The shortbread receipe sounds good. Is it in one of her cookbooks? I love your glove. I love how the stripes are wider on the fingers.
Lovely gloves, and Oliver and Ginger are TOO cute. Mugsy isn't up to walking down the road far enough to see his girlfriend Tara these days, but he used to really enjoy meeting up with her!
Oliver is just the handsomest fellow; your gloves are outstanding and I absolutely love your friend's yarns. The colors are luscious.
Oliver is a Mimbo! that's funny. I am with you, I'd like to take a month off and just knit. So much yarn, so many patterns, too little time.
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