December 16, 2007

College students home safe, parties, tree decorating and shopping.

Has been a very busy three days. The children arrived home safe from college and the house is hopping again. Music, television, phone ringing and food flying out of the cabinets and fridge. Sleeping seems to be high on my son's agenda. If he sits down for more than two minutes he falls sound asleep. Laundry is a mile high in the laundry room and my hubby has retreated to the bedroom to watch the football. It is so great to have them home. It feels like a home again too.

Went to our first Christmas party on Saturday night and it was a bit of a yawn, but we were glad to get home early. We watched "Deck the Hall" with the kids and then they put us to bed around midnight. Today was our nieces fist birthday and it was a good time. Pizza and cake for the children and apple martinis for the adults. Green for the holiday you know!

When we came home we decorated the tree and now everyone is snacking and getting ready for bed. Even Oliver is pooped from snooping in every box that came up from the basement. Each ornament has been lovingly sniffed by him and meets his approval (Not the best shot of the tree. I don't know how to adjust the lighting. I guess I should read the instruction book)!

Off from work tomorrow to hit the stores for the last push to finish up shopping and then the wrapping and baking begins, in between work and three more parties. No knitting is being done and what is finished will go out as gifts. What isn't finished will be done after the New Year and saved for the next year! Maybe that way I can get a jump on next Christmas. Have a great start of the week and take some time for yourself.


Natalie Rush said...

What a cute picture of Oliver. :) I've tried several times to get a good picture of our tree....not easy but I need to get one before it's Christmas day. :)

Have fun shopping.

NH Knitting Mama said...

Sounds wonderful. I'm sure that your son is sleeping so much because he is home and can completely relax.

Donna Lee said...

Sounds like my upcoming week. Isn't it nice to have a full house for the holiday? And I think the trick to this whole holiday knitting thing is to start Dec 26 for next year. Of course, I am not that organized but I can dream.

Lapdog Creations said...

Cute pic of Oliver!

Lapdog Creations said...

Cute pic of Oliver!

Anonymous said...

LOVE Oliver, and tell him to hang on, because his presents are coming...

I like the shot of the tree. Of course, I also beg our favorite neighbors to leave their curtains open so I can admire the outline of the tree and its lights as I drive by...

Cindy said...

That is one exhausted pup. Love his heart. I'm so glad you're family is all together again. Enjoy each other and have a great time shopping.

Rachel said...

Oliver looks pooped!

Knowing how much my mom loves when she finally gets me and my brother in the house at the same time, I understand how great it must be for you to have your kids home, safe and sound! Have a great holiday season with them!

Cactusneedles said...

Wow! Sounds like you're going to have a busy, and fun, week! Have a great Christmas!

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Oliver!! What a precious beast he is. Gracie is waving hello and encouraging him to keep sniffing the boxes, there just might be something for him :)

vegasangelbrat said...

Great shot of Oliver all pooped out from his busy day :)
Isn't it great when all the kids are home? I'll miss our oldest and his family this year, just not the same without the little ones and your tree is Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Tree looks great!! looking forward to sharing Christmas together! The site looks very festive. you do a great job. love you bunches. Hailey's home and yes also has sleeping sickness.

YawnOver said...

Oh, Oliver! What a darling pic :)