I have been a busy bee finishing up all my stray socks and now I just need to do the Kitchener finish and I will be complete. I want to start a pair of very cute manicure socks for my daughter and I for when we have mannys and peddys.
My graduate is job hunting in Manhattan and has some good interviews last week and this. She should be working very soon. Graduation was fun and sad to think of that part of her life over. But she is excited about working and then getting her apartment in Manhattan. My oldest daughter is working there now and her baby sister wants to follow in her footsteps. She is interviewing at Wall Street companies and we are keeping our fingers crossed.
Glad you're still around. The summer heat seems to suck the life out of blogging, doesn't it! Take care!! :)
Hi Donna - thanks for such a beautiful photo. I haven't been blogging either-laziness-and I too spent two days last week without electricity. So much fun! Here's wishing your daughter good luck.
glad to hear from you. Love the picture of the palms blowing and the beach closed sign. that says it all. This weather is crazy. Hot to cool to storms. I am going to see how many blogs I can catch up with!
Glad to hear from you! The weather was yucky and now today is humid but not quite as hot. I sit in a refrigerator all day (at least that's what it feels like) and right now I have the window open to let in the warmth. It's bittersweet to watch the chicks go off on their own, isn't it?
Ummm, the beachclub--sounds yummy! It's hard to think of things to blog about everyday, and I think the heat sucks all our thoughts right out of our heads!! Fingers crossed for daughter --sounds like she's going or the "big game"!!
OK Donna. You've had your vacation. Get back to blogging, we miss you.
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