O.K., here’s the thing- I have been so out of tune with my knitting lately. Everything I touch turns out wrong and I do not like the way anything looks. I think I have reached a turning point-either I have to improve or I will stop knitting. My Waterloo was the gloves I tried to make for my daughter. I used great sock yarn with an easy pattern from Knitty.com. I took my time and I thought everything was going well. Then my daughter tried them on and I had made two left handed gloves! There I was standing with the camera in my hand-I was so upset and embarrassed. I should be better than this after knitting all these years. Why has my knitting reached a certain level and never progressed past average. I see what other folks work on and I am awe inspired and know that I will never reach those levels…but couldn’t I just make a right and left glove? What is the answer? I am so angry with myself and really almost past caring. I don’t even want to finish what I have in progress. And I guess the biggest set back has been with my blog. I did loose my screen on my computer, but I haven’t been able to replace it because every time I think I might another financial crisis rears its’ ugly head. So, screen is on hold. Plus all my photos and goodies are on my hard drive and it isn’t the same when I use hubbies. I just haven't wanted to even blog about knitting. Blah, bah, blah….you have all heard it before. So, I tried to make another glove with a different pattern…this time the fingers are too skinny. I didn’t do a gauge and I changed the needle size because the yarn was a different weight…..I guess the morale of the story is to do a swatch and quit complaining. But it is more than that…perhaps gloves are too complicated, but they looked not too hard….so for now I am licking my wounds and putting my needles down for a bit until I work out what my trouble is. Maybe I should be happy being an average knitter….and stick with less complicated projects. Sigh……..
I want to say sorry to all my Dogs on Thursday pals….I haven’t been posting but I have been checking out everyone……….
I want to say sorry to all my Dogs on Thursday pals….I haven’t been posting but I have been checking out everyone……….
I hope to be back on track soon and feeling better about something that I love very much
I think sometimes there are just periods of "unhappy knitting" It's not so much a question of skill, but how the rest of your life is affecting your knitting. And from your post it sounds like you've got alot going on. Maybe pick up something that's more meditative and not push yourself to knit mountains right now :)
Btw, I love your banner!
You have lost your "mojo". Take a break. Put the bad knits away for a time out and do something you don't have to think about. I completely understand. The money, the winter, the mean gloves (which I do not knit because of the finger issues). Give yourself a break, dear. K8 is absolutely right.
OK, so let's analyze this for a second. I think (being outside the box on this situation) that it seems like you're just having a slump. Your mojo is missing.
When finances are a little better, may I suggest taking a class to learn a knitting skill that you are interested in? Maybe this would jump-start you again, and bring your knitting to a new level.
We've all been there... lost the will to knit, or the knitting mojo as some say. Take a break... a breather... and then just get back to the projects you LOVE.
I say find yourself a local knitting guild or group that meets and go and hang out. I LOVE my Wed night guild and find much inspiration (and help!) in it... I think you need to find a group like that... it truly helps!
Let's accentuate the positive here. Have you forgotten all the beautiful things you've made? I remember admiring a cabled afghan you made and those gorgeous striped gloves (something I'd never try); and sweaters and socks. You've created a wonderful blog that is fun to read and certainly interesting to look at.
Most importantly you are a genuinely kind and caring person. We've all been where you are now, so take all the good advice and remember who you are.
All of a sudden you may see a project that catches your eye and you'll get all fired up to make it. Then, like a bolt from out of the blue, your mojo will return and you'll be off and knitting!
I know it does not make it any better but this too shall pass.
keep telling yourself that. And you know what, I bet lots of knitters have made that type of mistake. You are not alone.
I'm all for taking a break if knitting doesn't bring you joy, or peace, or comfort, or whatever you need. There is so much in this world that we have to do whether we like it or not, that there is no sense is choosing to do something that is annoying or frustrating. That said, though, whenever I get particularly frustrated with something I am knitting, I put it away and go back to my old stand-by - a basic, mindless sock pattern. While it's true that I'm not learning a new skill by doing something I've done dozens of times before, I find it soothing and reliable.
I admire anyone who even attempts to make gloves. Ten fingers! Yikes. That is way too complicated for me and way too fiddly. Now, give me a nice pair of mittens. One big finger and a thumb. That I can handle. It sounds like a case of mid winter blues. Everything is blah. Maybe something simple and bright. I find when this happens, I stop knitting or choose some plain stockinette or garter and something bright. Relax. Life throws enough stress at you (read that as kids!) and you don't need to add more.
I sure hope you can feel the love in these comments. You get what you give, Donna. Grover and I want to give you and Oliver big hugs.
Oh...I am certainly feeling your pain, KNITTINGGAL! Never having been the knitter that so many people I read about each day--like Grace--over at lovincomfortknits--eeven sick, she was turning out lovely dishcloths, starting scarves, thinking of awesome shawls tht I don't think I'll ever even manage, but love--and SO MANY OTHERS that I haven't "met" yet. I'm sure those include you, too!
It's just sometimes seasons change in our lives for awhile...and finances, and people. Don't worry--(I hope you are not by now!) Thing will change and get better. Just take the breaks you need, instead of letting the breaks take you!!
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