January 22, 2008

Bloggers and Knitters are the best....

It was so nice to read all your comments. You are great friends and thank you hanging out with me.
I finished the gloves and am now working on the mitten part. I will take pictures as soon as I can. I will then work on finishing the reversible cable afghan. I also read about someone doing a holiday gift a month and putting it away. I am going to try to do that for this year's holiday. I must say that everyone really like their knitted gifts. I was very surprised. Usually folks are not too thrilled with knitted gifts. Or maybe my knitting has improved and the items look better? Whatever it was I was thrilled that everyone liked their presents. Hence the project a month. By November I should have 10 assorted knitted items and have lots of extra gifts that I don't have to buy. I thought that scarves, hats and mittens are good. As well as felted bags and felted cosmetic bags for the ladies. I want to keep it doable with small items that I can finish each month. Time will tell!
Oliver has been a very good boy and is such good company for my husband. They love their walks together and I have gotten so accustomed to him on the bed at night. He curls right up into the curve of my legs. It feels so snugly. So much that hubby has taken to shooing him off when he feels neglected!! I will be updating on Thursday with some fun pics of him. Well off I go to finish up at work(shhhh!!!) and then home to fix dinner and knit.
P.S. The picture is of a Tree Sweater Cosy knitted by Carol Hummel. Check out her work here


Anonymous said...

What a fantastic idea!! One project a month should be totally do-able as long as (at least for me) they are not scarves...or mittens....stuff you can finish in a weekend....
Good luck! We should compare notes next December and see waht we've got stashed away for gifts!

Anonymous said...

I was checking in last month but found you away for a long while. glad to see the pics and doggies back. Plus that tree!! wow!! love it! love you sis