November 08, 2007

Dogs on Thursday

I finally had pictures from the drowned camera (sad story here) processed. So I have a few more pics of Oliver on his vacation. He enjoyed every moment as much as we did. Isn't he sweet? He loves to pose for the camera the ham! I am not in such a hot mood right now as hubby has been "talking" to me about not letting him know that I let Oliver back in the house without telling him. Well the thing is, he found a loose Labrador and I called the owner (number on tag) and they nonchalantly said be there in a few minutes. I know this family as the mom comes into the library were I work and we had a conversation about her dog always getting loose. She doesn't look for her any more and relies on folks calling her when they find her dog! Anyway, Lab is in the house with me, Oliver is outside with hubby. Oliver is going nuts as the Lab keeps coming to the door with his toys in his mouth. Hubby is removing the dead flowers from the pots and waiting for the guy to come. Lab runs to the back door, Oliver bolts around the house and watches as Lab has another of his toys in his mouth! It was a little funny. As if the Lab knew what was going on. So, Oliver at back door, hubby in garden in back, bell rings, I go to answer. Lab follows me, Oliver runs around to the front, Lab goes out, Oliver comes in. Simple, right! I finish making breakfast. Where could hubby be? Bang, Bang at back door, "DO YOU HAVE THE DOG???!!!! Well, yes he came in when Lab left. You could have told me.......yattta...yattta...yatta". You get the picture. I am pissed, hubby is steaming and then he says" Did the guy even thank you?" What can you say to that. He is such a lamb and then boom....he makes no sense and I am left wondering if I am the crazy one! Gotta love him.......he is so kind and really helps out at home and never complains...just every once in awhile he gets miffed. I will survive, so here I am ranting away...but I though it was appropriate for Dogs on Thursday. And now as I read this back for my numerous spelling mistakes I am smiling and on my way to give him a big kiss (Hubby that is, not Oliver!)

On the knitting front I am working a baby bib from "One Skein" and it involves wraps and short rows. So, that has been holding my attention. If it is not to ugly I will post a picture. I wanted to use up some nice cottontots yarn that I had. I am also still slogging away on my reversible cable afghan. Someday it will be done.


Cindy said...

Oliver looks so dear in the pix. He and Grover would have a blast, wouldn't they? Your story cracked me up. Been married for a little bit, eh? On the knitting front, oh, do I understand.

Susan said...

I bet that lab did indeed know that he was making Oliver crazy. Dogs seem to know how to play those little mind games with each other, but every time they do it, I'm surprised about it.

Andree said...

it's too bad that family isn't more responsible: someday that beautiful dog will come to harm. He is gorgeous.

As for the leaves: I shall shamelessly promote myself so that you can see the state of our leaves:


SissySees said...

Lots of resting dogs today, eh??

I wish I had time to pull myself together at home; we came back today so that I can do payroll in the morning. Bleah.

Anonymous said...

Aww, Oliver. What a man.

I love short rows, they are fun!

Cactusneedles said...

Oliver looks like Ella right now, passed out on the kitchen floor, same pose! I like the new look! Take care:)

Sheila said...

That was too funny. Not about the steaming hubby, the dumb or not so dumb Lab. I really like the Irish Hiking Scarf. Good fall colors.

Donna Lee said...

Husbands are wonderful. Can't live with'em.....I have been married for 26 years and still learn something new about this person who shares my life almost every day. How good of you to take in a strange dog. I would be afraid to do that. And how irresponsible of the owners not to take better care of him.

Dianne said...

Love the picture of Oliver - truly "A Dog's Life"!

We have someone in the area that lets her dogs run free. Very frustrating. People like that just shouldn't have dogs.

Vivian said...

I wish I could do what Oliver is doing, laying around and do nothing!

Gotta love the husband is right. They keep life interesting :-)

vegasangelbrat said...

Thanks for stopping by my the pic of Oliver..both are mine are knocked out too :) One got a bathey this
Yep, guys are like that..been 32 years for me and mine does the same..its the little things that bug Kiss and make up, thats all part of the fun :)And no your not crazy, they

Unknown said...

Hi Donna,

I have always wanted to knit that bib, but as yet there have been no new babes in our life. Thank you for your positive comment about my skirts, it is appreciated. I have always sewn and it is very satisfying making your own one off clothing. I always search for fabric when I'm out of town so I have something others don't also have.

I do read your blog regularly just time prevents much commenting lately.

Lisa x

Alana said...

Your blog looked so fun and festive when I clicked by today! And your stories about Oliver always warm my heart. Gotta love those doggies!!

I just found out that my dogs' friend from next door had to be put down, and it made me so sad. He was a lovely husky that entertained me everytime I drove by with one of his uncanny poses. We will miss Toby.

Lapdog Creations said...

Oh what an adorable boy... relaxing.. .very nice!

Anonymous said...

Well so glad you were able to retrieve your pics from the ocean!! It is a nice thing to see something workout, right? But my my my...that other dog owner truly has a problem dog on her hands. They need the dog whisperer. LOL.
and i can wee hubby running around with both dogs and wondering how anyone could wait an extra moment to pick up their beloved doggie. what a guy!! I like the brown scarf, nice knit.

Anonymous said...

What can we say? Hubbies get like that sometimes. Great to hear that some knitting went on.

Knit on!